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Kategori: Today

Woke upat 10 thirty tired but still happy. Midsummer is one of those days when I cannot be in a bad mood. Even thoguh I knew I had to work for 8 hours... Well well. We made a midsummer pole and flower crowns. My grandma, cousin and aunt came to us around 12 and then my moms old collauge and her husband around 12 thirty which made our lunch a bit late but it was alright. Had a classic midsummer table filled with nice food. It was so good!! My grandma had even made a swedish strawberry cake for dessert so I had a quick bite before my dad drove me to work. I've been here since 15 and there are still 4 more hours to go.. Anyway I'll be jumping in our ''jacuzzi'' when I'm done here. So nice! I hope for the rain to stop so I ont have to walk home in the rain...  I'll be up at 06:30 tomorrow for work at 7. I will be tired but I can't think of that when it's midsummer.


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