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Kategori: Generally

Came up with a great idea when I was cleaning in my room. Found lots of pens and pencils so I took a Coca Cola can and made a penholder out of it. It's kind of cool actually!

This is the life.

Kategori: Generally

Coffee and Friends ♥

3 days left.

Kategori: Generally

Going home in three days. I love it here and sometimes I feel like I don't want to go but at the same time, I know that it's for the best. Go home for a little while before I start working. I have some things I need to do when I get home too. My cousin Axel's graduation, 28th of May and another cousins graduation in Lund 12th of June. I have to go to my summerplace to meet the girl I have been talking with about the job. I will absolutley find things to do! 


Kategori: Generally

Belstaff, River Island, Primeboots.

I'm so full.

Kategori: Generally

Had spaghetti and swedish meatballs for dinner. It was sooooo good and I ate way too much food but I don't mind. It was delicious!
Going to get my *ss on the exercise bike in a while. Not really looking forward to it, but I have to get it done with. 
Me, right now.

Suit up.

Kategori: Generally

Been writing this story for a while and now I'm stuck. I hate it because I really want to finish it. It's not really a story, it's more like a book thing that I'm trying to write but it's hard because I want it to be perfect and now I don't feel motivated anymore... I guess it'll come back. At least, I hope so!

Daddy dj.

Kategori: Generally

Today? Well. It has been probably one of the best sun-days this year so far, I would say. Have been taning all day long. Started 10 o'clock when I woke up. It has been lovely. I did though burn a little bit in my face which I don't like... Well well. Not complaining. 


Kategori: Generally

I got a text from Esther today and she sent me this picture of a braclet she'd bought for me. It says KENYA and the thing is that I bought Uganda and Rwanda is braclets like this one but I never found one with Kenya but now she did so I'm happy! Now I'll have all the different countries that I visited during my trip. 
She's so sweet!


Kategori: Generally

Woke up in the middle of the night and wondered where I was. Realised it was just a dream and I was back in reality. I couldn't sleep anymore. I felt worried about something. I was sweating. There was so many thoughts, I was starting to get a slight headache. Usually I would have been bothered, but I didn't care. I closed my eyes but it didn't help. They were still there. All those things that I have tried to hide for so long, they keep coming back to me. They won't disappear. Creating a wall of happiness and fake smiles have been my solution for so long that I am scared that it's now gone. I don't know how I should behave anymore.

Go to hell.

Kategori: Generally


Guess what?

Kategori: Generally

I should've taken the bus home this morning 08:11 but when it never came I decieded to take another bus that also goes to London but it stops quite close to where I live so I thought I could walk from there but I fell asleep and when I woke up, the bus was already in London. Not that I don't like London, but I was just so tired and wnated to go home and rest but nope I had to go shopping instead.. But I never made it to buy the things I just held them in my hands but I was to tired to go and pay for them so I just walked around in the city. Took the bus home around 13:30 and got home an hour later. 
Two pictures from today.

Sweet dreams.

Kategori: Generally

I am already tired. I think it's because of the training I did today. It feels great to have it done with. If I'm not too sore tomorrow, I think I'll go on the excersise bike for a little while. 
It is time for me to sleep now. 
I hope you all are enjoying your evening. Happy Friday!
Night night.

I shouldn't think that much.

Kategori: Generally

Have been thinking a lot today. There has been some wonderings in my head about the future.
What do I want to do with my life? Where do I want to study? What will I study? Do I want to move from Gothenburg?
There are so many questions I'm asking myself everyday, and of course I never know the answer to them. I know it may be too early to even start thinking of those things but they just appear and I can't stop thinking.
I guess time will figure it out for me. I'm still young and I still have plenty of things to do before I need to decide anything. 

Nothing special.

Kategori: Generally

I haven't been updating very much today, as you probably noticed already. It's because I don't really have had anything spceial to write about and like Mia said to me yesterday, - If you don't know what to write, then don't write anything. I agree, but sometimes I just like to write about things and then post them here but I don't have anything reasonable in mind so I just thought I could have a day without "blogging" very much. 
But what's up really? Hmmm.
I'm not going to do anything special tomorrow either because I need to stay home. Lucy (the family's hairdresser) she is going to be here tomorrow and she didn't know if she got time to fix my hair (it got a little yellow when I tried to dye it before my dad's birthday) but I needed to be home in case that she does have the time for it. I hope so!
That's about it. I will write more tomorrow. I have some things that I've already written but I need to go through them before I post them so I'll do that tomorrow. 
This is a picture from Austria two years ago. I miss skiing.
Night night!

Not again.

Kategori: Generally

Got a headache again. Hate it!!! But I do need to sleep anyway. My day has been really good and I'm happy. 

I like this.

Kategori: Generally


Kategori: Generally


Buenas noches.

Kategori: Generally

Bed bed bed. I need to sleep. I don't know why I keep dreaming nightmares every night. It's creepy, and kind of scary. I wake up in shock three or four times every night which is horrible. 
I'm crossing my fingers and hope that they will dissapear soon.
Good night!
one week after I got home from Africa. Look how tanned I was...

Perfect? Ya.

Kategori: Generally

I feel great. There is nothing that's bugging me right now I just feel great. It's not like I usually feel down or anything it's just that I always feel like something is bothering me but right now? Nope, not at all.
It's starting to get warmer outside. I'm living in England.
My mom is getting better. My dad emailed me about some golf things that he fixed for me. I live with a wonderful family.
I don't want you all to think that I have a perfect life but right now it feels like it. 
Just wanted to write about it. 

One week.

Kategori: Generally

I have been here for one week tomorrow. Actually it feels like I never went home the first time, but obivously, I did. I have not been thinking of home at all. I think it's because I feel like this is my home so much. Last time I stayed here was for two months and I was never homesick. Maybe I've just learned how to stay positive and look forward to things in an other way but I don't think so. I just don't think I miss home. I miss my family, friends etc. etc. but I don't think I miss Sweden or Gothenburg. It feels like I belong here in some way. I'm happy that I feel like that. 