I have had a really good day! I thought I was going to be sad and get second thoughts but no, I love living here, I really do, but it's not about that. I just want to be home before the summer starts, and I know that everyone understands that. I miss my mom a lot! Anyway. Mia, Moa and I went to Pizza Express togheter, I don't remember what my pizza was called, but it was delicious!!! The 12th night was also nice. The boys were really good and funny :)
Mia woke me up wuite early this morning because we had to do some things. I had some cereals and an apple. We went to Abingdon first to drop of the kids, and then to Waitrose. I bought bread.. Bagles, crumpets, muffins... Haha lol. some cookies and Polo too.
We drove to Watlington after that and took Hector out for a walk.
I started packing when we got home and I am pretty much done now. Mia also wanted to show me Turville so we drove there and then to a pub and had some lunch. Risotto, yummie!
I just went for a walk on the field with Hector and we are going to Abingdon any minute. Going to have dinner at a resturant and then go to Hugo's school and watch The 12th night that he is preforming with his drama class.
I am not sure that I will be able to write anything more today but if I got the time, then I will.
Leaving the house 6 o'clock tomorrow morning and I will be in Sweden 10:35.
I had a great day with John in Oxford. We met up around 11 and he had some breakfast at Subway. I'd just had breakfast so I didn't eat anything there. Went to Costa after that and had some coffee. We went out for a run, about 3 km I guess. It was nice but I was tired... Watched a film and then I had to take the bus home. I just had pizza for dinner and now I am full and exhausted. Going to bed early tonight!
Time really flies here. I have already been here for 4 weeks and it feels like yesterday I got here.. Weird.
Anyway. It's Sunday today. John is coming here for dinner which will be nice, I hope. He is coming around 2 o'clock and then we are going to walk the dog or go to the pub or something, I haven't really planned all of it. I'm sure it will be great!
I will try to take some pictures because I know I haven't done that in a while.
Enjoy your Sunday!
I miss my bestfriends. Only 3 days until I get to see them again!
Even though I love being here, I realised that I need to go home now. This has been like a month vacation for me and I have really enjoyed it. The weather, my family here, friends, I love it all but I think I need to go back to reality for a little while, before I start working.
Neil is going somewhere too at the same time on Wednsday morning so I thought I could just fly back to Sweden then. I will miss this but I am sure I will go back soon again.
Went out for a walk with Hector, 30 minutes on the field is perfect, although it was quite windy. I'm going to meet up with John in an hour or so. I don't know what we are going to do. Probably have lunch of someting. Well well. I'll post something more interesting later.
Mia woke me up at 7 o'clock this morning and asked if I wanted to go drop of the kids at their schools and then go to Sainsbury's with her. I thought, why not? So we went there. It took us about 1 hour to get everything. We also went to Asda for some sweets. Took Hector for a walk when we got home. Had a great morning!
Have been with John almost all day. We went to a park and were there for a while and after that to a resturant near the river. It has been lovely weather. No wind, no clouds and 22 degrees (in the shade). It feels like summer now.
I didn't bring my camera and I forgot to take pictures with my phone... Sorry about that!
I was sitting outside in the sun with Tracy and Mia for an hour and more this afternoon. It was nice and although it have not been the best weather today, it was okay!
I just love waking up to Neil's voice outside the door asking me if I want an egg and bacon muffin. Of course I do! Have to tell you. It's the best breakfast in the world.
American pannkakes? No.
It feels like everyone are to obbsessed with America so all they want is American pannkakes (when our swedish pannkakes are actually much better) for breakfast but no no no, you should really try English breakfast instead, it's so much better. I promise!
Have been in Oxford today. Met up with John and had a coffee. The weather was great exept that it was a little windy. I am now waiting for food, meatloaf! I made it this morning with a little help from Mia. It was very easy actually. I am looking forward to eat it.
I don't have any plans for this weekend so I'll just go with the flo. Haha!
No joke. It was 34 degrees in the sun today. Crazy. I wore white shorts and a white t-shirt and it felt just like summer. It's unfortunately quite cold now but I don't complain. I'm happy!
Have been vaccuming the house and made a kladdkaka which was so good. Just tried a piece but we're going to eat it as dessert today. That's about it. I was lying in the sun for two hours, so nice. Just got home from picking up Moa and Hugo from school. Going to eat hamburger for dinner. Yummie!
Going on the exercise bike was so hard today. Did intervals which was so boring and hard. I was 30 seconds better two days ago but it must be because oh the intervals today. I did 10 minutes abs work out too. That was even harder than the cycling. Anyway. Need to sleep. Going to get up early tomorrow because I'm going to walk the dog with Mia. Crossing my fingers for sun.
Mia bought converse yesterday in Reading. She bought one pair for each person in the family. Blue high-tops, black high-tops (normal ones) grey low-tops and pink low-tops. Converse has started with a new kind of style. It looks like the shoes are already used because they look dirty, but not dirty dirty, I mean like, nice dirty. Hard to explain... Anyway. Her new one's are pink and they're more dark than the usual pink converse colour. The thing with the new style is also that they are really soft, the sole are soft. Very comfortable!
Have been on the exercise bike for 33 minutes and I was so tired. It's embarrassing... I need to start traning for real now. Printed out a CrossFit schedule I will start with as soon as possible. I did abs exercises too. It feels so great to be done with it now. I just want to go to bed.