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Kategori: England

I'm so sorry for the bad updating today. I've had too many other things to do. As I showed you I bought the shoes which I'm very happy with. They're high, but they're really good looking!!! Lovem. Mom and dad didn't though. But it doesn't matter :) As long as I like them.
Anyway. Had an hour workout when I got home. I was kind of tired today on the bike so i just cycled for half an hour then I did abs and arms again. Did different arms exercises though. Then I started packing... So sad... Decided what to wear all the last days and put everything else in the bad. Except shoes and jackets and that kind of things I will use every day. I took a shower and now I'm in bed. Thinking a little. Writing a little and enjoying being.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day so I can't be tired.

The picture is showing the three different outfits I'm wearing those days..

4 data left.

Kategori: England

Sitting in Starbucks having a VL and enjoying my time here. Only 4 days left. I decided to go shopping after school. There is some things I need to buy before I go home so it's better to have it done today than on Thursday when I will have so many other things to do.

I want this week to be the best!

Revenge and pizza.

Kategori: England

Yey, it's Friday tomorrow.

Kategori: England

I love Thursday's, why? Well. Because it's the day before Friday. Wonderful. 
Have been happy today. I was tired though but I guess because it's been kind of a stressful week. Idk why but it's just how it's been. I don't want next week to pass by as fast as this one did...
Had lunch with some friends from school. Ususally I always eat in resturants but I just bought a sandwich with Louisa today which was nice. 
I went with John to Bella Italia after school cause he was hungry, haha. Then I took the bus home and had pork with potatoes. Had chocolate custard for dessert. DREAM.


Kategori: England

Have had this strange feeling all day. I've felt like something is wrong but I don't know what it is, or if it even is something. Just been down. I think I'm thinking too much. I guess I get these feelings because I'm going home in only a few days. It feels like everything I'm doing from now on is like the last time. The last time I got to Bryon to eat burger, the last weekend, next week is going to be full of last time things. Hate it. I guess it's kind of bad thinking lite I do about it, but it just feels sad for me. Idk what to say. I'm not in mood for writing today. If I'm not in mood for writing then something is wrong...

What a good day.

Kategori: England

Been a good day as always. Well. I was in really good mood all day which made everything a lot more fun. Went to the oldest pub in Oxford with John. He was so fascinated. It was cool though. Took the bus home. Had lambrax for dinner and a lovely banana milkshake for dessert. DREAM!!
Good night pals.

Burger Tuesday.

Kategori: England

Had a big burger for lunch and lots of chips. I'm feeling blown up right now... Having afternoon class right now which is so random. Everyone are running around doing se exercises from the book, I am too!!!


Kategori: England

Miss her.

Kategori: England

FaceTimed Ebba for a while. Miss her a lot... And she is not even going to be in Gothenburg when I'm going back. We decided that I'm going to Stockholm. We also discussed to do a 2 week bike vocation this summer. Excited!!


Kategori: England

Took this picture when I went of the bus today. This is what bus stations look like in the country side. Not really a fancy one, but this is why I like living here. It's simple.


Kategori: England

I just watched the latest episode of Molanders with Mia on the Apple TV. I like it so much. I don't know why but it's something with it that makes it different. Well. Otherwise there hasn't been anything new today. I have been confused cause it doesn't feels like it's Monday. Strange... Well, it's Tuesday tomorrow which actually doesn't mean anything special. But I like it anyway. Lol.


Kategori: England

Something I've started to think about.. I wonder what I'm going to do when I go home again. I mean, there will only be Mars. I will have lots of months when I have to do something. Do I want to work? Well. Maybe for a while but not for 4 or 5 months. I'm going to Africa for 2 weeks and then I don't know what I want to do. Mia told me that I am more than welcome to stay here again if I want to. Maybe I do? It's so hard to decied what I want right now. Right now, now, when I'm here. I just want to stay here forever because this is perfect for me but maybe I don't feel the same way when I've been home for a few weeks? Maybe I just miss this place like I miss Sweden. Of course, Sweden will always be my home, but it's like this is my home too. It probably sounds quite strange, it's hard to explain. 
I know in some ways what I want, and in some, I don't know at all. 
I really hope that I know if I want to return or not, when I've been home for a while.

Some things that I have learned here.

Kategori: England

- To be on my own. I have always been kind of afriad of asking people about stuff ex. where I can find that store, how much something costs and simple stuff like that. When I first came here, I had to ask people about that sort of stuff and through that, I have learned that it's not as embarassing or hard as I though it was.
- Be more social. I have always been kind of shy, when I don't know the people around me, when I came here I didn't know anyone so I had to be social and try to make friends which I did. Some people in my school would not say that I'm social but compare to what I have been before, I think I'm really social.
- Be more interested in things. I don't think I have ever been interested in museums, news, old things etc. etc. but I actually find it quite fun now. Some things though, not all of them! But a museum like I went to yeasterday would've probably been a nightmare to me if it was some months ago but I found it really cool and fun. 
- Make the most fun that's possible out of things. I think that some things that I've done before have been kind of boring because I had a negative attitude to it. I still have a negative attitude to some things, actually I don't know why but it's just some things that I can't find fun but my attitude has absolutley changed since I moved here. I'm more positive here.
- Eat breakfast and enjoy it. Well. Breakfast is actually the most important meal of the day and I have never been a breakfast-lover, until I moved here. Mia makes the best breakfast. Special K with milk, a bowl of fruit, a drink yoghurt and toast or muffin. I really hope I will enjoy breakfast as much as I do know when I get home.

Monday 18 feb.

Kategori: England

My afternoon class was odd. I knew a few of the people but everyone were so quiet and the teacher tried to make jokes that no one understood.. Odd..
Was with John for a while after school and then I went home. Waitin for dinner. Carbonara it is. AMAZING. I've started to really like pasta here. Which is not a good thing.. My stomach doesn't like it as much as I do. 
I've tried to come up with some good blog-posts for today and it'll be some new ones tonight.


Kategori: England

Had sushi for lunch and My last class for today will start any minute.


Kategori: England

Good morning!
I'm in a really good mood today. Woke up not tired at all which was quite strange because I hadn't slept for that long at all..
Well. Right now I'm at Starbucks with my vanilla latte. School starts in 30 minutes.


Well. I guess it's time to say goodnight.

Kategori: England

This is always happening to me. I'm going to be early. Then I find something I want to watch and I can't stop it. I went to bed more than 2 hours ago and I'm still awake. I have to SLEEP now.
My iPad seems to always keep me up. #goodnight


Kategori: England

Had a amazing dinner. It was so good. The rest of the family didn't like it though... Well. We sat and listened to Simon and Garfunkel during the dinner and then we listened to Meat Loaf when we had dessert. Neil wanted to introduce me to Meat Loaf which I actually liked. It was kind of... cool... LOL.
Had a shower and now I'm going to watch a film in bed. Probably Johan Falk. Started watching one the other night so I'll try to finish that one tonight. 
School tomorrow. I'm not complaning. I like it. I like taking the bus to Oxford and have a Vanilla Latte at Starbucks. It's nice.
We'll get new classmates and a new teacher tomorrow so that's kind of interesting. I hope.
I hope you all had a great weekend!

Godmorning sunshine.

Kategori: England

Woke up about 30 minutes ago. Have been reading a book that Mia introduced to me last night. If I like it I'll write a post here about it. Right now I'm waiting for breakfast. Sunday mornings are the best. Lovely food. Today's plans are, museum. There is a museum in Oxford we'll be going to which sounds quite interesting. I'm not really a fan of museums but this sounds nice and it's also good for me to check one out here. 
Ellen & jag. Saknar henne :(

Goodnight Saturday.

Kategori: England