Don't be afraid to give up.
Kategori: Generally
Some people say that they never give up, that giving up is something that weak people does. I wouldn't. I mean, I could say that I don't like to give up and I always try really hard, but at some point, you got to give up.
If you never give up, you never know how things could've been if you would've.
You can always see a bright side in everything you do. Giving up is sad and you feel kind of weak but it's not like you always will feel that way and people wont judge you, even though you thought they would.
I gave up once. That changed my life and it was not in to something bad. It was the other way around. I gave up living in America. Something that had been my dream since I was 11 years old. I felt weak and I was sad, but I couldn't fight anymore. I thought everyone was going to judge me and look down at me, but they didn't. They understood and they were there for me. The thing is that I didn't know what I wanted, and when I did, tt was too late. I was so confused and I made some wrong dessions but it is as it is and I am so happy that it turned out this way.
