Kategori: Generally
Just woke up. Had such a creepy nightmare. I was in Africa, met up with a boy who was being nice to me but there were so many people who were trying to kill me. My nightmares always wakes me up wich is maybe something good but I just want to know the end sometimes...
I have a fully booked day today which means I don't think I will have much time to update but maybe I'll take some pictures and post them. Going to the hospital with my grandma because she is going on a trip with her brothers and sisters this week so I wont see her before I'm moving. I think we will have some lunch togheter and then say goodbye. I have to start packing today and maybe do some important shopping. I don't know what important things I have to buy though. Probably just some swedish things to Mia, haha.
Wops. My grandma is coming to pick me up just in a few minutes. Gotta hurry!
Have a nice day!
