Last night - Outfit.
Kategori: Clothes
Nolita/B./Cheap Monday/Jeffrey Campbell/ Belstaff.
Kategori: Clothes
Nolita/B./Cheap Monday/Jeffrey Campbell/ Belstaff.
Kategori: England
Have been busy with school, packing, friends etc etc.. I went to have dinner in Oxford yesterday. It was so nice. After dinner, we went to the residence and there was lots of people. It was fun!! Like a good last night (although it wasn't really my last night) but kind of. Anyway. School was boring and I was too tired. Mia picked me up in Oxford and then we went to asda to buy candy and bubble. Wiihehee.
Going with Mia to get the kids any minute. I want to spend as much time with them as I can. Tonight is my last night so we will eat a nice meal and just be with each other, the whole family and I.
Kategori: Quotes
Kategori: England
I'm so sorry for the bad updating today. I've had too many other things to do. As I showed you I bought the shoes which I'm very happy with. They're high, but they're really good looking!!! Lovem. Mom and dad didn't though. But it doesn't matter :) As long as I like them.
Anyway. Had an hour workout when I got home. I was kind of tired today on the bike so i just cycled for half an hour then I did abs and arms again. Did different arms exercises though. Then I started packing... So sad... Decided what to wear all the last days and put everything else in the bad. Except shoes and jackets and that kind of things I will use every day. I took a shower and now I'm in bed. Thinking a little. Writing a little and enjoying being.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day so I can't be tired.
The picture is showing the three different outfits I'm wearing those days..
Kategori: Clothes
Wearing a red pair of pants from Dr Denim. I've had them for a long time but I've really started to like them recently. The belt is from B. and the shirt from Nolita. Bought the necklace in America.
Kategori: Today
Why is it not possible for the time to just slow down a bit? I DON'T WANT THIS WEEK TO END.
Monday is almost gone. Have 1 hour and 15 minutes left of it here, but in Sweden, it's Tuseday in 15 minutes..
Like I said yesterday I was planing on get some shopping done so I don't have to do that later on and rush with it on Thursday. Well, I did go and look at clothes. Didn't buy anything though. Except from new makeup. I found a pair of high heel shoes that I'm considering buying. Someone once told me that if you're not sure if you really want something, you have to go home and if the thing that you want pops into your mind, then you want it. These shoes have been bothering my mind this evening so I will probably buy them tomorrow after school.
That's about it.
Goodnight everyone. Or. Good morning, and have a wonderful Tuesday.
Kategori: Clothes
Found this blazer in Zara today. Want it soo bad!!!
Kategori: Training
Got home from Oxford 20 minutes past 7 and I decided this morning that I should do some workout today, which I just finished. Started with the exercise bike for 40 minutes. Did abs and arms for 20 minutes and then some stretching. Feels so great now, but after 20 minutes on the bike, I was exhausted. Didn't think I would make 40 but I did and it's so nice to be done. Finally I'm back on track with my workout. Feels great to be motivated and inspired again. I have to keep it up when I get home again. I think it will be even easier then, because I don't have as much to do when I'm home as I have here.
Kategori: England
Sitting in Starbucks having a VL and enjoying my time here. Only 4 days left. I decided to go shopping after school. There is some things I need to buy before I go home so it's better to have it done today than on Thursday when I will have so many other things to do.
I want this week to be the best!
Kategori: England
Kategori: Generally
Kategori: Generally
Nelly Furtados song, All good things, (comes to an end). Describes my feelings about going home. Why do all good things comes to an end? It sucks that everything has an end. Only a few days left here and Idk why it's so hard for me to realise that I have to go. I keep telling myself that this isn't the end but it is. Maybe I'll come back, but that's not for sure. I mean. You never know what happens. I'm analyzing this too much, I guess. I just wish time could stand still for a while. I don't want to leave, not yet. I still feel that I have so more to experience here.
This picture is from the day I left home. It's only been a few weeks since then, but it feels like it was so long ago but still so near. Hard to explain. I want to explain it but the words are stuck in me.
Kategori: Films
Started watching Gossip Girl a few days ago. Again. I've watched it before but then I got bored and stopped but now I'm in it again. Love it!!
Kategori: Training
Got home from Oxford about 2 hours ago. My body was hurt from yesterday's workout but I decided to not think about it and go on the exercise bike instead. 35 minutes was so hard but I did it. Did some exercises afterwards too. Took some pictures of it. Lol.
Here you go.
Kategori: Today
Woke up around 09:30-ish. Had some breakfast and went out with Hector for a run. It was hard bid kind of nice too. Did some exercises too when I got home. Going to take a shower any minute and then I'm going to have some lunch. Take the tube to Oxford and meet up with John. Have to look for a pair of shoes for the wedding. Maybe converse? Not sure yet.
Kategori: Generally
This is odd. The bus tickets for my bus here is only a piece of paper. Yesterday the machine that's printing the tickets, was broken so I didn't even get a ticket. Lol. This is why I love living here. Everything are just simple.
Kategori: Today
Had two classes. Not much for lunch and took the bus to Bicester. Didn't have the time to look for everything I wanted but it doesn't matter that much because I found the jacket. I'm wondering if I'm going to buy the silver converse that I like or a pair of gray ones. Not sure... Well. After Bicester, we went to pick up Moa and then we drove to Oxford. Listened to Hugo singing in a chapel of one of the colleges in Oxford. Kebel collage. It was nice.
Kategori: Clothes
I bought a new belstaff jacket today. Love it!!! It's kind of blue, grey-ish but hard to show it in pictures but here you go anyway.
Kategori: Photos
Kategori: Generally
I'm going to Bicester tomorrow after school. Got a whole list of things that I need to buy. For me, and for others. It will be last trip there before I go home so I'll need to buy everything. It will e fun though.
Kategori: Clothes
Kategori: England
Kategori: Photos
Kategori: England
Kategori: Photos
Kategori: Today
Wednesday which feels strange.. It feels like it's Tuesday but it can't be because Tuesday was yesterday.
Anyway. Fell asleep way too late last night. Can't blame anyone but myself. I'm still happy though.
Traffic was slow this morning but I had time for a quick coffee at Starbucks.
Kategori: Photos
Kategori: Resa
Cape Town. A few years ago when my family and I visited some friends that lived in there. Miss this trip!
Kategori: Generally
I forgot to tell you about my dream last night. Well. I woke up at 7:30 when Mia knocked on the door and then I fell asleep again for another 15 minutes. I started to dream in english then. Haven't done that since I was in USA and I love it. It is so different and so cool. It was a strange dream though but still quite fun.
Elsa and Moa you probably know what I'm talking about. Thinking in another language is quite common but dreaming is odd, if you're not really into the language.
lol. I'm pretending that I am dreaming in this pic.
Kategori: England
Kategori: England
Had a big burger for lunch and lots of chips. I'm feeling blown up right now... Having afternoon class right now which is so random. Everyone are running around doing se exercises from the book, I am too!!!
Kategori: England
Kategori: England
FaceTimed Ebba for a while. Miss her a lot... And she is not even going to be in Gothenburg when I'm going back. We decided that I'm going to Stockholm. We also discussed to do a 2 week bike vocation this summer. Excited!!
Kategori: England
Took this picture when I went of the bus today. This is what bus stations look like in the country side. Not really a fancy one, but this is why I like living here. It's simple.
Kategori: England
I just watched the latest episode of Molanders with Mia on the Apple TV. I like it so much. I don't know why but it's something with it that makes it different. Well. Otherwise there hasn't been anything new today. I have been confused cause it doesn't feels like it's Monday. Strange... Well, it's Tuesday tomorrow which actually doesn't mean anything special. But I like it anyway. Lol.
Kategori: England
Kategori: Music
Kategori: England
Kategori: England
Kategori: Generally
Kategori: England
Good morning!
I'm in a really good mood today. Woke up not tired at all which was quite strange because I hadn't slept for that long at all..
Well. Right now I'm at Starbucks with my vanilla latte. School starts in 30 minutes.
Kategori: England
This is always happening to me. I'm going to be early. Then I find something I want to watch and I can't stop it. I went to bed more than 2 hours ago and I'm still awake. I have to SLEEP now.
My iPad seems to always keep me up. #goodnight
Kategori: Music
Kategori: Generally
Kategori: Photos
Kategori: England
Kategori: Resa
Kategori: Today
Went to the Pitt Rivers Museum with Neil and Moa. It was so random. You could see lots of different stuff in there. But it was fun different. I liked it!
Got home about 3-30:30 and since then I've just been talking to Mia. Going to have dinner anytime soon. I'm hungry!!
Kategori: Clothes
Kategori: Music
Kategori: England
Kategori: England
Kategori: Photos
Kategori: Clothes
Bought this top in H&M:s store in Reading the other day. I love it. It's different from what I usually wear. The last few times I've been in H&M has been kind of boring cause I haven't found anything but sometimes you just find exactly what you want and this time I was lucky.
Kategori: Quotes
I have learned that you make your own happiness, that part of going for what you want means losing something else. And when the stakes are high, the losses can be that much greater.
Kategori: Lists
- My aunts wedding.
- Meet my family again.
- The last two weeks here.
- Africa.
- Golf this spring and summer.
Kategori: England
Waiting for dinner. Listening to some good music and just enjoying being here.
Just a quick update.
Kategori: Photos
Kategori: Photos
Kategori: Today
This day has been soo good. Woke up, had a toast with egg and Kalles Kaviar. LOVELY.
Lucy was here to cut everyone's hair so I had a haircut too.
Went for a walk with Moa and Hector.
Right now I'm just sitting in the kitchen eating candy. Love it, hehe.
Kategori: Quotes
I want to tell you what my feelings are. How I really feel.
You changed everything, and you have made everything so easy. Now it feels like you will walk away without telling me. I feel lonely. I wish you could tell me what's in there. I wish you were opened minded. I'm sure you will forget me, and I will be stuck with the picture of us. I won't forget what it feels like being close to you. I remember when I first saw you and we were not aware of this. I want to tell you all those words that are stuck in me. I will share them with you, someday. I know we will someday meet and wonder what went wrong. I wish I knew how our future looks like. There are some things we will never understand. I do though understand this. I will always remember us.
Kategori: England
Have been thinking too much the past few days. It feels like I have too many thoughts to think of, so my brain is going to explode any minute. I'm thinking of going home, how I'm going to react, how my body is going to react. Will everything be like it was when I left? I haven't been here for long but it feels like everything has suddenly changed. It feels like I'm going to be lost. This feels too much like my home, my real home. I feel so settled here. I can't explain it in words, it just feels like I belong here in some way. I don't think there is anything about this place that I don't like.
The only thing I don't like is, I know that in only two weeks I won't be here anymore. It makes me sad.
I wonder if I will miss this place as much as I want to be here? In that case. I will return shortly.
Kategori: England
Had a lovely day/night with Anna and Oskar yesterday. We went shopping after school and then we had a lovely Valentine's day dinner. We went to the cinema and watched Les Miserables and it was good. The only thing I didn't like was that they sang through the whole film but except that, it was good!
Kategori: Generally
Just got home. Sitting in the kitchen and watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. made myself a little treat. Yoghurt and Special K. Lovely. I will probably make some tea in a minute too.
Oh Friday, I LOVE YOU!
Kategori: Clothes
Bought a new pair of boot cut black jeans. Love them!
The coat is from Zara and I'm wearing UGG's.
Kategori: Generally
Ana gave me a bite of this candy today. It was the worst candy ever. If you go to Mexico, stay away from this!! It tasted like sweet in the beginning but then it's started to taste like spicy food. I'm really sensitive. Although it was nice to try some candy from another country.
Kategori: Photos
Kategori: Clothes
Have been having this awful headache since we got home this afternoon. Took two tablets but it didn't help... I have to go to school tomorrow because Anna and Oskar are coming visiting me in Oxford o I hope the headache is gone by then.
Kategori: Clothes
Kategori: Today
I just got back from Reading where I went shopping with Mia and Moa today. I bought a dress for my aunts wedding. I also bought a white simple top. It took us the whole day to find what we all needed. Moa bought new shoes and a dress.
This morning I was not feeling very well but decided to go shopping anyway which is probably the reason why I'm feeling even worse right now. I'm going to watch a film or something any minute.
Kategori: Today
Been such a boring day today. I was so bored in class.. John made lunch at his place which was really nice. Fell asleep on the bus so like always the driver had to wake me up. Embarrassing...
Tomorrow will be a good day. I'm sure!
Kategori: England
Found out that it's "fettisdagen" today and I got sad because we don't have semlor here... When I got home Mia surprised me and said that they have Pancake Tuesday here which made me happy! In 40 minutes, we will have dinner, lasagna and pancakes :)
Kategori: Today
Kategori: Lists
Todays mood: Very happy!!! Todays should've: I should've gone to my afternoon class but I felt for hanging out with Ellen and Kc instead. Todays look: Ponnytail. Blue jeans, PRL t-shirt and primeboots. Todays makeup: I looked like usually. Todays plans: Well. Today is almost over but I will go to bed any minute and try to fall asleep. That's about it. Todays thought: Last post. Read it. Todays I want: A pair of orange/red/pink/weird coulor, UGGS. Todays most boring: That Ellen and Kc had to leave.
Kategori: Generally
How do you know if you're able to take care of yourself?
If you're capable to follow your own dreams and not others?
I'm wondering if I would've been the person that I am today if I would've listened more to other people than to myself. I've always been doing what I want, instead of what other people want me to do. I feel so comfortable doing what my thoughts tells me to. I don't really think I have ever been influenced by what other people thought of me, and my acts. I wonder how I could've been if I was insecure in myself.
I have always been a ''thinker'' I do always think of the choices that I'm making and how it could've been if I would've made a different choice, but the thing is. It's not what you do that matters, it what you want to do that does. If you make a choice that you're unhappy with, you will regret making that choice. It's not worth regret things you could've done different.
Something that I've learned here is, to do what you want, instead of what you think you want.
Kategori: England
Kategori: England
Monday. As always after Sunday.
Sitting in Starbucks cause I was craving for coffee this morning. Went to bed too late last night but actually it doesn't matter because it was totally worth it. Watched a film and then we all fell asleep.
In a few hours, Ellen and Kc will take the bus here so we'll do some shopping and have lunch. Afterwards, they will take the tube to London again.
Kategori: England
raer/2nd day/superdry
Kategori: England
Already week 7 and if I would've been home now I would've been going skiing with my family. This year is absolutely not what it could've been like. I'm not complaining at all, I'm just curious of the thought how it could've been.
Although I'm very jealous of my father who is in Austria right now, skiing. I want to be there, so bad. Not because I'm not happy here, because it would've been sooo nice.
I only have 19 days left here and that will pass by faster than the previous time, probably. I'm not excited about going home at all. I do miss my parents and my friends but it's like, this is my life now and I don't want my life to move home again because this really feels like my home and I've really found this place sooo perfect for me. I just wish I could be here longer. I'm sure that I will my this place more than anything. Ok, let's make these 19 days the best days ever." class="image">
Kategori: England
Kategori: England
Kategori: Music
Kategori: England
Kategori: Clothes
Kategori: Q/A
I got a comment by someone who wondered which blogs I'm reading so here is the list:
Just want you to know that all of these blogs are held by people that I know. Friends mostly.
Kategori: Generally
Kategori: Generally
Kategori: Generally
Kategori: Resa
So. Although this day has been kind of... idk the word... it at least ended perfect. Had a date with Esther on Skype. A few days ago she asked me if I wanted to come and visit her in Nairobi and I mean, of course I want! So I asked my parents what they thought and they actually thought it would be really nice for me so they were positive about it which was happy news. So now I'm one step further. In that case we'll be going on a trip to Uganda and Rwanda for 9 days which would be so cool! Lets cross our fingers for that then.
If so, it would be during easter.
Kategori: England
Kategori: Music
Mia and Neil introduced this band to me when we were watching one of their concerts on the tv the other day.
I fell in love.
My favorites songs are:
- Girlfriend is better
- Take me to the river
- Swamp
You'll find them on Spotify and YouTube. Search for, talking heads.
When I first saw them performing I thought they were quite strange, but after a while I enjoyed it.
The singer David Byrne is wearing a big white suit, it's just strange. But I do like it!!
Kategori: Quotes
If something could be done without complications. Then try to do it without, instead of with.
Kategori: England
Off to bed!
Have been watching Molanders with Mia on the Apple-TV. It's actually a lot fun. In the next episode my old friend Kevin will do a performance so that'll be interesting.
My plans for tomorrow is to find a gym cause I really need to do some workout... I actually WANT to. I feel too lazy here..
I'll keep u updated with that. Although I'm not so sure it'll ever happen.. Ugh.
So, as I said, time for bed.
Kategori: Generally
Kategori: Today
Kategori: Today
Kategori: England
Kategori: Films
Ligger och ser på den första HP filmen. Så mysig.
Kategori: England
I fredags var jag ju som sagt på fest med skolan. Eller ja, ned kompisar från skolan.
Åkte in vid 7 tiden och träffade John så satt vi å snacka ett tag sedan träffade vi de andra vid 8 så velades det ett bra tag innan vi bestämde att vi skulle ta bussen till stället vi skulle. Vi var där till typ 1 kanske och sedan åkte vi hem. Det var kul att se lite hur de festar här för alla är ju från olika länder men han som fyllde år är från Dubai så det var kul!
Bilden är på Jonathan, mig och Cristobal.
Kategori: Generally
Idag händer ingenting speciellt. Har ätit lunch/frukost blir väl mer brunch då. Mcmuffin med ägg och bacon. Sett på vänner och bara haft det allmänt slappt.
Nu har jag sett klart en Beck och ska nog titta på en till. Älskar att bara ligga och slappa på söndagar. Sååå härligt!!
Kategori: Generally
Blir ledsen över att se denna bilden. Det är bara 26 dagar kvar... Jag älskar ju att vara här. Nu ska jag göra dessa dagarna till de bästa!!!
Kategori: Quotes
Jag lever. Orkar inte blogga idag men jag ska berätta om festen imorgon.
Kategori: England
Kategori: England