Står här på jobbet just nu. Snart jobbat tre timmar. Tiden går mycket snabbare på morgonpasset. Så skönt! Snart kommer Ellen för sedan ska hon åka hem till Göteborg för att fixa några saker och sedan kommer hon och bor hos mig resten av veckan då både hon och jag jobbar. Mys!
Godnatt hade kanske varit en bättre rubrik på detta inlägget en njaaa.
Nu ska jag och Ellen lägga oss och se på någon bra film eller varför inte Mia och Klara?
Imorgon bitti ska jag upp med tuppen 06:40 för jobb klockan 7. Well well. Sedan slutar jag klockan 15 och då är jag ledig i cirkus 48 timmar. Hehe wiiiee. Bra väder, vad mer kan man begära?
Idag har vi varit ute med båten och badat, filmat en undervatten film vilken jag dock inte sett än men ska försöka posta den här imorgon så ni kan se! Jättebra kvalité är det i alla fall. Imorgon vet jag inte vad jag ska göra när jag slutat. Bara njuta tror jag!
På onsdag hoppas jag att Ellen och Kajsa kommer upp igen så vi kan umgås lite.
Har nyss snorklat med pappa över viken vilket var super skönt. Tidigare idag har jag solat, tränat och ätit lunch med familjen. Det en sån där riktigt härlig sommardag med sol, lite vind och grymt varmt. Ikväll får vi gäster. Några familjevänner som har sommarställe nära oss kommer hit. Ska bli trevligt!
Ska försöka ta med mig pappas go pro camera sen och filma när vi badar. Laddar i så fall upp en film på det sen!
Working... Would love to write something like: Working my *S of here and I'm SOOO busy... Well not really.
I'm sitting here on a barstool behind the desk and waiting for my fifth costumer, if he or she ever will come. I don't like to complain about this it's just that I'm so bored here... Have been working for 2 hours soon and there will be 5 more to go until I'm done.. Well well. End of complaning post.
I've been off work for 2 days and it has been great! I've been with Ellen the whole time, almost felt like we've been a couple. Haha. I already miss her :( So sad... But she will be here in 20 minutes because she went for a run and I thought she could come and make me happy for a while. Wiiiee.
I'll be done at 14 tomorrow. Nice!
It's raining and raining outside... It sucks that it has to be like this when it's summer... I guess that's what we call, Swedish Summer?
I'm sorry that I haven't been posting any pictures for a while but I have been writing from the computer here at work and I don't know how to getthe pictures to this computer so I'll post it when I'm home!
Had a wonderful weekend with friends and family. Love holidays like that.
Have been working and hanging oout with Ellen these past few days. I've had this day off work and tomorrow aswell so there will be more Ellen and Imma time this week. Going home to Gothenburg after work on Friday. It'll be nice with a weekend in the city after a while here.
The weather has been great today so I've spent almost the whole day in our Fatboy in the garden. Nice! Ellen got here around 18 and we've been nanny's to some of our family friends kids since then. It's going to rain tomorrow so idk what's up then... Anyway I hope you all are doing great with whatever you're doing. and Mia if you are reading this I would love to get some pictures from you visit here. I didn't take any with my camera. If you want to you could just send them to [email protected]
Woke upat 10 thirty tired but still happy. Midsummer is one of those days when I cannot be in a bad mood. Even thoguh I knew I had to work for 8 hours... Well well. We made a midsummer pole and flower crowns. My grandma, cousin and aunt came to us around 12 and then my moms old collauge and her husband around 12 thirty which made our lunch a bit late but it was alright. Had a classic midsummer table filled with nice food. It was so good!! My grandma had even made a swedish strawberry cake for dessert so I had a quick bite before my dad drove me to work. I've been here since 15 and there are still 4 more hours to go.. Anyway I'll be jumping in our ''jacuzzi'' when I'm done here. So nice! I hope for the rain to stop so I ont have to walk home in the rain... I'll be up at 06:30 tomorrow for work at 7. I will be tired but I can't think of that when it's midsummer.
Okay. This is embarassing. I will write everyday from now on, I promise!
Anyway. These past days has been busy busy. Ellen arrived Sunday and she's still here. We have been training a lot. Watching films and we've had so many good dishes. Tacos, Thai, Hamburger, fishsoup, etc etc. I should've been working yesterday but there was a mix up in the scedule so I had two days off which has been nice! It has also been lovely weather those two days.So nice! Ellen even burnt her face. Haha.
I had to get up at 6 this morning for work at 7. I took the moped so it was kind of nice. I've had two costumers so far this morning and I'm bored! Gotta find something to keep me busy while I'm here rest of this summer. It's only 5 hours left until I'm out so I'm not complaining. Blabla I'm just writing and writing about what I've been up to. I'll come up with something more interesting to write about!
Haven't written here in a while. Sorry!Have been keeping myself busy.
Moved up to my summer place last Friday. My mom, David and I. Started work yesterday at 3 o'clock and got out at 21. Went home an watched One Tree Hill. Fell asleep and woke up 6:35 for work at 7... Have been here at work since then and I'm done at 14 I think. It's nothing to do so I'm keeping myself busy with Magazines and coffee. Pretty nice!
I know... I haven't been nice to you readers. There has been too many other things in the way. I got home from Malmö yesterday evening. My mom drove me in to town and I met up with David, Simon and Simon. We had to take the train to Kållered which is a bit out of central Gothenburg. It didn't take that long though. We went to a BBQ party there which was fun! Played games and had dinner. Lovely weather too.
And what have I done today? Not really anything... Met up with Kc and Ellen. Had a smoothie at Foxx and took the bus home and drove up to our summerplace. It's nice here although it's not real summer yet. I think I need to spend a lot of time naping this weekend because I haven't slept a whole night in a week. Well. I promise to be a better writer this week.
Thank you all for still reading. It makes me happy!
I'm so sorry about me not posting anything here lately. I have been buy with so many things.
I drove with my mother to Malmö today which was nice. Traffic was not bad and I was in a good mood. Have been here at the graduation party since 6 o'clock or something like that, it had been nice but I'm tired... Woke up way to early this morning because David had to get up for school. I don't know what we are going to do tomorrow I want to have some lunch with my mom in Malmö and maybe invite John too, I want them both to meet. It would've been nice so I'll try to set something up.
I'm home but I already miss Malmö. This weekend has been the best in I don't know how long. It was perfect! Hanging out with my best friends. Lovely! Have been busy all day with things that I'll write about tomorrow but I have to sleep now. I have to be at the gym at 10 tomorrow morning because I got a appointment with my personal trainer then.
Friday tomorrow. Which means, Malmö! I'm so excited.
Anyway. What has happened since I wrote last time?
I got a pair of new Nike Free run shoes yesterday from mamma. I love them! I went to the gym and then I met up with David. We went to his house and had dinner with his family. Watched EGO a good film! Fell asleep and woke up very tired this morning. Had breakfast and went in to the city. Had coffee with Simon (David's brother) and bought flowers to another graduation. Went home and met up with my mom. Took the bus back in to the city. Got a pair of Ray Ban's. Thank you mom and dad ♥ Went home to switch into training clothes. Took the bus and met up with Kc. We decided to go to an abs workout thing at the gym with Kc's mom too. It was so hard but also very fun!
I got home a while ago. Just packed all the stuff for tomorrow. I have to sleep soon. I am so tired. This week has been exhausting. Have been at the gym everyday! I'm proud over myself.
First graduation this year. My cousin Axel! They got out of school at 1 o'clock and it was so warm and I was sweating. There was music playing and all the students ran out. It was nice. I'm jealous. I still got 2 more years left until it's my turn. Anyway. I gave him a small champange bottle and a red rose. He was so happy!!! Lovely to see.
I forgot to bring my camera there so I just took one picture of him but I'll bring it to the party tonight so I'll post some more tomorrow!
Had an appointment with a woman who works at my dad's gym this morning at 10 o'clock. We came up with a plan and I signed up for one year membership. Feels so good to have it done with. I went on the crosstrainer for 35 minutes. Did some abs and stretching. It felt great. Got a text from Ellen saying; Kajsa and I thought of Bodypump this afternoon, what do you think? Ofc, I wanted to so I got on the bus and met up with them for a coffee. Went to Kajsa's and had some more coffee and jucie, we made carrot juice, I was good!! Went to the gym. Omg, Bodypump was so hard, I am so sore now. I can barley walk. But I'm so proud over myself!
Going to sleep any minute, otherwise I wont be able to get to the gym tomorrow morning. Thought I could get up early and have a morning workout.
My grandma is picking me up 11:30 tomorrow and then we're going to my cousin's graduation. I'll write tomorrow!
Sunday and mothersday in Sweden. Woke up in a happy mood and had some breakfast (outside) it was really warm!!! Yey! Went for a walk with Toste and cleaned up in the kitchen. Drove home and now I'm here in my bed again. It's scary how fast a weekend flies by. Anyway. I gave my mother a dinner with some relatives and William in mothersday gift. It will be my dad, my mom, my grandma, Mia (one of my aunt's), William and I. I'm making Wallenbergare with mached Potatoes. Yummie! I'll be serving in one hour so I gotta hurry!
Woke up ten to eight, made some breakfast for David and took Toste out for a little walk. David took the bus to his school and now I'm in bed again. Waiting for better things to come up, which it did two minutes ago. Asked Kajsa if she wanted to meet up before school and have some breakfast which she did so I think I have to hurry. Anyway.
I'm going up to my summerplace today with my parents and David. It will be nice. I love that place so much, and a weekend by the ocean, why not? I'm hoping of good weather with some heat. That'd be nice!
By the way, I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. I had a lot of things to do but now I'm back on track!
God. I hate this. Every day just passes by so fast. I can't understand why...
What have I done today? Been hanging out with my mom. Had lunch with her and went grocery shopping. Went to a store near our house to buy her some new jeans, I got a pair too. Haha. That's what always happens. She's looking for something, I buy something. Actually, she bought a pair for herself too, and a dress. Like like. Went home and made lemonade. I was suppose to make orangeade but the oranges are not good right now so I tried with lemons instead. Excited about trying it tomorrow. Watched "The boy in the striped pajamas" it's a film about the second world war and it was really good! Had lasanga for dinner which I made, and it was awful. Have to work on that one. Headed in to town and met up with Kajsa, had a coffee at Café Vasa and sat there until 10 o'clock. Took the bus home and here I am.
When I think of it, it feels like I haven't done that much. But when I read all this that I've just written, it feels like so many things. Hmmm.. I wonder why.
Woke up half an hour ago. I am so hungry but I don't want to go out of bed.. It has been so warm tonight. Even though my window has been open, I have been sweating :(
Well well...
I am going to make breakfast for me and my parents now. Bagels, Muffins and Crumpets. Love the weekends!
My mom woke me up at 10 o'clock and I had some cereal for breakfast before the taxi picked us up and drove us in to town. I had an appointment with my hairdresser at 11. My hair got kind of grey-isch but it's cool and different. The grey/silver colour will dissappear after a while though. I had lunch with my mom when I was done. The weather has been so nice! 24 degrees in the shade. Unbelievable!