Det som snurrar i min skalle


Kategori: videor

Counting Stars

Kategori: Music

 I love this song.

Just another day.

Kategori: Today

Friday tomorrow. Which means, Malmö! I'm so excited. 
Anyway. What has happened since I wrote last time?
I got a pair of new Nike Free run shoes yesterday from mamma. I love them! I went to the gym and then I met up with David. We went to his house and had dinner with his family. Watched EGO a good film! Fell asleep and woke up very tired this morning. Had breakfast and went in to the city. Had coffee with Simon (David's brother) and bought flowers to another graduation. Went home and met up with my mom. Took the bus back in to the city. Got a pair of Ray Ban's. Thank you mom and dad ♥ Went home to switch into training clothes. Took the bus and met up with Kc. We decided to go to an abs workout thing at the gym with Kc's mom too. It was so hard but also very fun! 
I got home a while ago. Just packed all the stuff for tomorrow. I have to sleep soon. I am so tired. This week has been exhausting. Have been at the gym everyday! I'm proud over myself.
xx (sorry for not been writing much this week)

Thank you mamma.

Kategori: Training

My mom bought me these running shoes today. I have a black pair too but they're too big so I will wear these ones all the time at the gym! 

Graduation party.

Kategori: Photos

My cousin Andreas.
One of my other cousins Björn.
My grandma and I.
My Godfather Johan.
Me and David.
My mom.


I look like a penguin when I walk.

Kategori: Training

Woke up this morning and I could barley walk. My legs are so sore. I didn't care so I jumped out of bed and took the first bus to the gym. Walked for one hour and did some stretching. Had to hurry home, took a quick shower before my grandma picked me up. 


Kategori: Today

First graduation this year. My cousin Axel! They got out of school at 1 o'clock and it was so warm and I was sweating. There was music playing and all the students ran out. It was nice. I'm jealous. I still got 2 more years left until it's my turn. Anyway. I gave him a small champange bottle and a red rose. He was so happy!!! Lovely to see. 
I forgot to bring my camera there so I just took one picture of him but I'll bring it to the party tonight so I'll post some more tomorrow!

What would I do without you?

Kategori: Photos

I haven't been this tired in forever...

Kategori: Today

Had an appointment with a woman who works at my dad's gym this morning at 10 o'clock. We came up with a plan and I signed up for one year membership. Feels so good to have it done with. I went on the crosstrainer for 35 minutes. Did some abs and stretching. It felt great. Got a text from Ellen saying; Kajsa and I thought of Bodypump this afternoon, what do you think? Ofc, I wanted to so I got on the bus and met up with them for a coffee. Went to Kajsa's and had some more coffee and jucie, we made carrot juice, I was good!! Went to the gym. Omg, Bodypump was so hard, I am so sore now. I can barley walk. But I'm so proud over myself!
Going to sleep any minute, otherwise I wont be able to get to the gym tomorrow morning. Thought I could get up early and have a morning workout. 
My grandma is picking me up 11:30 tomorrow and then we're going to my cousin's graduation. I'll write tomorrow!

Friday -Sunday

Kategori: videor

Sparkling water with ice cream flavor? Why not?

Kategori: Food

Happy Mothersday!

Kategori: Today

Sunday and mothersday in Sweden. Woke up in a happy mood and had some breakfast (outside) it was really warm!!! Yey! Went for a walk with Toste and cleaned up in the kitchen. Drove home and now I'm here in my bed again. It's scary how fast a weekend flies by. Anyway. I gave my mother a dinner with some relatives and William in mothersday gift. It will be my dad, my mom, my grandma, Mia (one of my aunt's), William and I. I'm making Wallenbergare with mached Potatoes. Yummie! I'll be serving in one hour so I gotta hurry!


Kategori: videor

Silver sparkling.

Kategori: New in

Good morning!

Kategori: Today

Woke up ten to eight, made some breakfast for David and took Toste out for a little walk. David took the bus to his school and now I'm in bed again. Waiting for better things to come up, which it did two minutes ago. Asked Kajsa if she wanted to meet up before school and have some breakfast which she did so I think I have to hurry. Anyway. 
I'm going up to my summerplace today with my parents and David. It will be nice. I love that place so much, and a weekend by the ocean, why not? I'm hoping of good weather with some heat. That'd be nice!
By the way, I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. I had a lot of things to do but now I'm back on track!

My sister's keeper.

Kategori: Films

I just watched such a great film. I was about this girl, Kate, she had leukemia (a type of cancer). Her little sister Anna was the only family member who could help her survive by giving Kate organs, blood, etc. etc. and then one day, she didn't want to help her sister anymore and hired a lawyer who wants to help her sue her parents for not letting her decied by her self if she wants to donate or not.
Oh, I loved this film. Although it was really sad.


Kategori: Films

Segemyhr it is!


Kategori: Resa

Just booked three tickets to Malmö. Kajsaclara, Ellen and I are going there next weekend. We thought it could be fun just to do something before the summer starts and everyone of us has to work at different places and stuff. Kind of sad actually... Anyway. We're going next Friday and I think we're going back the Monday after that. We don't know yet. I'm so excited. John is going to be there then too which will be fun. Looking forward to see him again. Ellen's sister lives in Malmö too so we're going to stay at her place. Yey!!!

I love meat.

Kategori: Food

I've realised that I could never be a vegetarian. I love meat. Had a delicous dinner with my family and a colleague to my dad and William ofc, but he's kind of family! Anyway. We had pork with potatos, sallad and a sause. It was yummie. Coffee for dessért. Have been having cravings for coffee since I got home from England. I need to drink at least 2 cups every day. It's not good at all. I hate the feeling that you really need something and you can't get rid of it. Awful. Gotta stop with that. Not that coffee is really bad for you but still... 
Well. I need to take a shower, although I don't want to. I usually like to shower but tonight, big NO NO. I guess it's just get my *ss out of my bed and go down to the bathroom. Wish me good luck. I bet I'm still here in bed in 30 minutes.

Such a nice day.


I have been hanging out with Ellen and Kc, ofc. Had coffee in the sun! Met up with Tova after a while and had some more coffee. Went around in the city a little while but decided to take the bus home instead. Took Toste out for a walk and bought some dinner. I made the last part of the lemonade. It's so good!!! Sweet and sour. I love it. Tova had to head back in to town for a meeting so here I am. Waiting for dinner, hungry as always. 

If I lose myself.

Kategori: Music


Another day is over.

Kategori: Today

God. I hate this. Every day just passes by so fast. I can't understand why...
What have I done today? Been hanging out with my mom. Had lunch with her and went grocery shopping. Went to a store near our house to buy her some new jeans, I got a pair too. Haha. That's what always happens. She's looking for something, I buy something. Actually, she bought a pair for herself too, and a dress. Like like. Went home and made lemonade. I was suppose to make orangeade but the oranges are not good right now so I tried with lemons instead. Excited about trying it tomorrow. Watched "The boy in the striped pajamas" it's a film about the second world war and it was really good! Had lasanga for dinner which I made, and it was awful.  Have to work on that one. Headed in to town and met up with Kajsa, had a coffee at Café Vasa and sat there until 10 o'clock. Took the bus home and here I am. 
When I think of it, it feels like I haven't done that much. But when I read all this that I've just written, it feels like so many things. Hmmm.. I wonder why.
I have to go to bed now. I am tired..


Kategori: Clothes


Last night.

Kategori: videor


Kategori: Generally

This is how tired I am of hearing all the noises our craftsmen are making outside my window...


Kategori: Food

Tried this smoothie yesterday. It was really good!!!

I don't hate Monday's.

Kategori: Generally

Vaknade klockan halv 7 när David skulle åka till skolan. Gick och la mig i mamma och pappas säng med mamma och Toste. Somnade om och vaknade alldeles nyss. Tror det blir en långpromenad med mamma och Toste idag. Annars vet inte riktigt vad jag ska hitta på. 
Woke up half past 7 when David had to go to school. I went to bed again in my mom and dad's bedroom. Fall alseep and woke up a few minutes ago. I think I will take Toste for a walk with my mom today. I don't have anymore plans really, but I will probably come up with something.
Have a great day you all!

English and swedish.

Kategori: Generally

I have had som complainings about my blog being written in english so I will write in both swedish and english from now on. I like the english writing more, but I think my readers will appreciate it if I write in swedish too. So there I am. Just so you know why I'll be switching.


Share a coke.


Bought this Coca cola yesterday with Ellen. I sent the picture to John. Thought it was quite fun actually.

Last night.


Went to Apartment No.4. with Kajsa and Ellen for a while and then to another place. It was fun to hang out with the girls. Got home quite late and I am so tired now. Hate it. Got to take a nap..
Dr Denim shorts/Rare belt/Abercrombie t-shirt. (Kajsa's clothes).

Starving... Again.

Kategori: Today

Woke up half an hour ago. I am so hungry but I don't want to go out of bed.. It has been so warm tonight. Even though my window has been open, I have been sweating :( 
Well well... 
I am going to make breakfast for me and my parents now. Bagels, Muffins and Crumpets. Love the weekends!
I'll post pictures and stuff later.

Goodbye Friday and welcome Saturday.

Kategori: Generally

Just watched Easy Money 2 which was not as good as the first one. There were too much killing in the second one. Anyway. I am going to watch Friends or something before I fall asleep. I don't have any big plans tomorrow. I will go out tomorrow night though. With Ellen and Kajsa. That'll be fun, I hope!
Sorry for bad quality in the pictures but I don't like to use the flash so I needed to fix them in Camera+.


Kategori: Summer

Took a walk and bought some chocolate. It's was still warm outside. Love it!!!

Second Female.

Kategori: Clothes

Bought this beautiful dress today at Fiorucci. It's really my colour and I like it so much! 
I will wear it at my cousins graduation party.


Kategori: Training

My dad rang me today and told me he'd booked an appointment for me with a woman at his gym so I can sign me up there. I really want to start with the training for real now. I feel like I need to sign up at a gym, otherwise I wont train at all. I'm really excited though! It's not until 27 of May but I think I will go out running before that.


Kategori: Today

My mom woke me up at 10 o'clock and I had some cereal for breakfast before the taxi picked us up and drove us in to town. I had an appointment with my hairdresser at 11. My hair got kind of grey-isch but it's cool and different. The grey/silver colour will dissappear after a while though. I had lunch with my mom when I was done. The weather has been so nice! 24 degrees in the shade. Unbelievable!
She was really warm with that hat on!...


Kategori: Generally

Came up with a great idea when I was cleaning in my room. Found lots of pens and pencils so I took a Coca Cola can and made a penholder out of it. It's kind of cool actually!

Easy money.

Kategori: Films

Going to watch Easy money aka. Snabba cash tonight. It's from 2010 but I haven't seen it yet so I thought it could be nice to watch it tonight. 

Home home.

Kategori: Today

Yes! I'm back in Sweden again. Arrived yesterday morning and I have not really done anything since. I met Kajsa and Ellen yesterday for a coffee in the sun. Lovely weather, btw. Had dinner with my mother and David. Thai food is the best. 
I have a pedicure appointment at 1 o'clock and then I don't know. I want to go and play some tennis but I don't know if they let me play there now since I haven't played in such a long time. Well well. The weather is lovely today too and I hope it will stay that way! Feels like summer!!!!

En bulle

Kategori: videor


Kategori: videor


Kategori: videor

Bye bye.

Kategori: Resa

12th night.

Kategori: England

I have had a really good day! I thought I was going to be sad and get second thoughts but no, I love living here, I really do, but it's not about that. I just want to be home before the summer starts, and I know that everyone understands that. I miss my mom a lot! Anyway. Mia, Moa and I went to Pizza Express togheter, I don't remember what my pizza was called, but it was delicious!!! The 12th night was also nice. The boys were really good and funny :)
Another picture from this morning. Hector and I ♥

Last day.

Kategori: England

Mia woke me up wuite early this morning because we had to do some things. I had some cereals and an apple. We went to Abingdon first to drop of the kids, and then to Waitrose. I bought bread.. Bagles, crumpets, muffins... Haha lol. some cookies and Polo too. 
We drove to Watlington after that and took Hector out for a walk.
I started packing when we got home and I am pretty much done now. Mia also wanted to show me Turville so we drove there and then to a pub and had some lunch. Risotto, yummie!
I just went for a walk on the field with Hector and we are going to Abingdon any minute. Going to have dinner at a resturant and then go to Hugo's school and watch The 12th night that he is preforming with his drama class. 
I am not sure that I will be able to write anything more today but if I got the time, then I will. 
Leaving the house 6 o'clock tomorrow morning and I will be in Sweden 10:35. 

A simple list.

Kategori: Lists

1 - Who was the last person you texted? My dad.

2 - When is your birthday? November 14

3 - Who is the first person in your contacts? Abby Bills

4 - What is your favorite song as of the moment? Jet life.

5 - What do you feel right now? Relaxed.

6 - Where do you want to be right now? Exactly where I am. 

7 - What do you want to be in the future? I have no idea.

8 - Who do you miss? Many people but if I have to choose I would say my mother.

9 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life? Not really.

10 - Who was the last person who called you? Mommy

11 - Who is your bestfriend? Kajsaclara and Ellen. I don't need to choose one.

12 - Who do you spend crazy moments with? Them.

13 - Name someone pretty. I know a lot of pretty people but... my mom, definitely

14 - What kind of music do you listen to? Almost everything. Except Opera and classic.

15 - Who is the last person in your contacts? Moa Zickerman.

16 - From whom was the last text message you received? My father.

17 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt? Jeans, definitely.

18 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “J”? Hmm.. Nope.

19 - Do you like someone as of the moment? Yes

20 - Have you ever been kissed? Yeah

21 - Have you ever cried over someone? Yapp

22 - Do you have a grudge against anyone? No

23 - Are you good at holding back your tears? Well. Not really, but I try to, sometimes.

24 - Have you ever experienced being hysterical? Haha, ya

25 - Have you ever ridden a boat? yes

26 - Have you ever been jealous? yes

27 - What are you thinking right now? Last time I was jealous, and I can't remember. Weird. I used to be so jealous but not anymore.

28 - Who is the 6th person in your contacts? What's up with the contacts? but. Alfons Miari.

29 - Do you have any memories you want to erase? Yes 

30 - Have you ever had an argument with someone? Yes

31 - Who do you want to marry? Someone I love. 

32 - Do you believe in destiny? Not really. Sometimes but not always.

33 - How do you look right now? Tired.

34 - What should you be doing right now? I don't have things I should be doing.

35- Do you ever feel bad about yourself? I guess everyone does that sometimes.

36- Who’s your favorite singer/band? Probably Death cab for cutie.

37- What is your favorite movie? I don't know.

38- What are you doing right at this very minute? Typing this.

40- Have you ever been in love? Yaaa!!!

This is the life.

Kategori: Generally

Coffee and Friends ♥

Miss la familia.

Kategori: Resa

Found some pictures of our US trip 2008. Everyone were there.

My grandma. She's the best!

My grandma and mom.

The best parents in the world! 
Grandma, mom, brother, daddy and me. This pricture is from Grand Canyon 2010.
Me and my dad. Three years ago in USA.
My grandma and I. 
Dad, Mom, me and Erik.

Grandma, Mom, Me and Erik.



Kategori: England

I had a great day with John in Oxford. We met up around 11 and he had some breakfast at Subway. I'd just had breakfast so I didn't eat anything there. Went to Costa after that and had some coffee. We went out for a run, about 3 km I guess. It was nice but I was tired... Watched a film and then I had to take the bus home. I just had pizza for dinner and now I am full and exhausted. Going to bed early tonight!

I miss this.

Kategori: Resa

Sunday is back.

Kategori: England

Time really flies here. I have already been here for 4 weeks and it feels like yesterday I got here.. Weird.
Anyway. It's Sunday today. John is coming here for dinner which will be nice, I hope. He is coming around 2 o'clock and then we are going to walk the dog or go to the pub or something, I haven't really planned all of it. I'm sure it will be great!
I will try to take some pictures because I know I haven't done that in a while. 
Enjoy your Sunday!

I miss my bestfriends. Only 3 days until I get to see them again!

3 days left.

Kategori: Generally

Going home in three days. I love it here and sometimes I feel like I don't want to go but at the same time, I know that it's for the best. Go home for a little while before I start working. I have some things I need to do when I get home too. My cousin Axel's graduation, 28th of May and another cousins graduation in Lund 12th of June. I have to go to my summerplace to meet the girl I have been talking with about the job. I will absolutley find things to do! 


Kategori: England

I wasn't in the mood to write anything yesterday. Sorry about that!
I was in Thame fo a little while and then home the rest of the day. I watched Tarzan, Tarzan 2 and Fox&Hound. It was a Disney day!
Had dinner with the family and then we watched The Voice UK. It was nice :)
That''s about it. Not really an exciting day but I liked it.

Ben and Jerry's.

Kategori: Food


Jackie Joyner-Kersee.

Kategori: Photos

It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.

What's the difference?

Kategori: England

What does Great Britian have that Sweden doesn't? Or, what's the difference between here and there?
1. GB is one hour behind Sweden.
2. You drive on the wrong side of the road here..
3. GB got much better breakfast opportunities. Muffins, bagels, better bacon.
4. There is a lot more people in this country that smokes, at least what I've seen on the street.
5. Clothes are cheaper here.
6. There are much more odd people in Oxford than in Gothenburg.
7. You can pay with cash on the buses here. Which you cannot in Gothenburg anymore.
8. I think people are more social here. For example. Strangers starts to talk with each other here. That doesn't happen in Sweden that often.
9. You start school when you're 4-5 years old here.
10. English people don't like americans and in Sweden it feels like everyone adore America.

Woody Allen.

Kategori: Quotes

Why are our days numbered and not, say, lettered?

Training, Walking the dog and Bicester. Love Fridays.

Kategori: Today

Have been doing a lot of things today. Went to Waitrose after we'd dropped off the kids. Got home and had some breakfast. Went on the exercise bike for 40 minutes. Did abs and some stretching. Had a quick shower and took Hector out for a walk on the field. Went to Bicester for some shopping with Mia. I didn't find anything for myself but I did buy one thing for another person :)) Drove to Abingdon and picked up the kids from school and just got back. Will have chicken and chips for dinner. Lovely Friday!


Kategori: Generally

Belstaff, River Island, Primeboots.

May. 09, 2013

Kategori: Quotes


Kategori: Photos

10 years.

Kategori: Films

Watched 10 years last night. It was good. If you like Channing Tatum, you should watch it. It's kind of odd, I mean, it's about love, but it's not like other romantic films, not a girl and a boy falls in love, they fight and then they get back togheter. END. It's different, that's partly why I liked it. Click on the picture or the link below if you want to watch it online.
Watch it HERE. 

Jet life.

Kategori: Music


Time to go home.

Kategori: England

Even though I love being here, I realised that I need to go home now. This has been like a month vacation for me and I have really enjoyed it. The weather, my family here, friends, I love it all but I think I need to go back to reality for a little while, before I start working.
Neil is going somewhere too at the same time on Wednsday morning so I thought I could just fly back to Sweden then. I will miss this but I am sure I will go back soon again. 

Kalles - Creamed Smoked Roe.

Kategori: Food

I have never before enjoyed Kalles kaviar as much as I do here. It has to do with that I can't get I whenever I want here. The same thing with swedish candy, I don't fancy Ostbågar and Brio at home, but here I do. It's delicious here! Haha. It's strange that I like it more here than at home.
Probably has to do with; You always want something when you know you can't get it.
and you know what I want right now? princess cake. aka. PRINSESSTÅRTA
I am though lucky! Found Kalles in the fridge and that got me happy. 

Heading in to town.

Kategori: England

Went out for a walk with Hector, 30 minutes on the field is perfect, although it was quite windy. I'm going to meet up with John in an hour or so. I don't know what we are going to do. Probably have lunch of someting. Well well. I'll post something more interesting later. 


Kategori: Photos

I like this picture. Took it earlier today when I was out on the field with Hector. 

I did good.

Kategori: Training

40 minutes on the exercise bike was nice. Hard, but nice. I did 10 minutes of exercise workout too. I have some youtube programs I usually watch, it's easier than to come up with my own one. 
I really want to start train for real now. I feel motivated so I think I will start with some sort of program tomorrow. 

I'm so full.

Kategori: Generally

Had spaghetti and swedish meatballs for dinner. It was sooooo good and I ate way too much food but I don't mind. It was delicious!
Going to get my *ss on the exercise bike in a while. Not really looking forward to it, but I have to get it done with. 
Me, right now.

Mia this is for you!

Kategori: Films

You told me once you couldn't watch Solsidan here in England because TV4 play had closed the page outside Sweden but I found the three seasons on It will work on the Apple Tv too. Great huh?
Click on the picture to get to the website where you can watch it.


Kategori: England

Mia woke me up at 7 o'clock this morning and asked if I wanted to go drop of the kids at their schools and then go to Sainsbury's with her. I thought, why not? So we went there. It took us about 1 hour to get everything. We also went to Asda for some sweets. Took Hector for a walk when we got home. Had a great morning!

The Sessions.

Kategori: Films

I just watched the film; The Sessions and it was really good. If you want to watch it, u can just click on the picture or the link below and then you will find the online site where I watched it.

22 degrees. Yes!

Kategori: England

Have been with John almost all day. We went to a park and were there for a while and after that to a resturant near the river. It has been lovely weather. No wind, no clouds and 22 degrees (in the shade). It feels like summer now. 
I didn't bring my camera and I forgot to take pictures with my phone... Sorry about that!
Me yesterday.

Never, never, never give up. ~Winston Churchill

Kategori: Quotes


Suit up.

Kategori: Generally

Been writing this story for a while and now I'm stuck. I hate it because I really want to finish it. It's not really a story, it's more like a book thing that I'm trying to write but it's hard because I want it to be perfect and now I don't feel motivated anymore... I guess it'll come back. At least, I hope so!

Daddy dj.

Kategori: Generally

Today? Well. It has been probably one of the best sun-days this year so far, I would say. Have been taning all day long. Started 10 o'clock when I woke up. It has been lovely. I did though burn a little bit in my face which I don't like... Well well. Not complaining. 

People will stare at you if you're wearing this to the beach.

Kategori: Clothes

Beach wear

Summer? Close enough.

Kategori: England

Ice cream.

Kategori: Food

I've missed this one! We had it in Sweden one summer, some kind of limited edition thing and I really really love it. I didn't know it still exist but obviously. I had one today and it was as good as before. Love!
Magnum - Double Caramel

Sunday? Yes.

Kategori: England

I was sitting outside in the sun with Tracy and Mia for an hour and more this afternoon. It was nice and although it have not been the best weather today, it was okay!


Kategori: Generally

I got a text from Esther today and she sent me this picture of a braclet she'd bought for me. It says KENYA and the thing is that I bought Uganda and Rwanda is braclets like this one but I never found one with Kenya but now she did so I'm happy! Now I'll have all the different countries that I visited during my trip. 
She's so sweet!


Kategori: Generally

Woke up in the middle of the night and wondered where I was. Realised it was just a dream and I was back in reality. I couldn't sleep anymore. I felt worried about something. I was sweating. There was so many thoughts, I was starting to get a slight headache. Usually I would have been bothered, but I didn't care. I closed my eyes but it didn't help. They were still there. All those things that I have tried to hide for so long, they keep coming back to me. They won't disappear. Creating a wall of happiness and fake smiles have been my solution for so long that I am scared that it's now gone. I don't know how I should behave anymore.

English breakfast.

Kategori: England

I just love waking up to Neil's voice outside the door asking me if I want an egg and bacon muffin. Of course I do! Have to tell you. It's the best breakfast in the world.
American pannkakes? No. 
It feels like everyone are to obbsessed with America so all they want is American pannkakes (when our swedish pannkakes are actually much better) for breakfast but no no no, you should really try English breakfast instead, it's so much better. I promise!

Go to hell.

Kategori: Generally



Kategori: England

Have been in Oxford today. Met up with John and had a coffee. The weather was great exept that it was a little windy. I am now waiting for food, meatloaf! I made it this morning with a little help from Mia. It was very easy actually. I am looking forward to eat it. 
I don't have any plans for this weekend so I'll just go with the flo. Haha!


Kategori: Clothes

Ralph Lauren shirt/ H&M jeans/ Don Donna shoes


Kategori: Food

6 oranges
1,7 liter water
1,3 kilo sugar
50g of Citric Acid
You can choose from lomons or oranges, we used oranges. 
It's very easy to do!


Kategori: Clothes

FAV top/ B. belt/ RS shorts.

Cry later, smile now.

Kategori: Photos


Kategori: England

I took some pictures today when Mia and I made Orangeade but when I was going to put them on to my computer, they disappeared. So sad...

Sommer job.

Kategori: Summer

I haven't told you about my summer job. I applied for a job at my summerplace in Grebbestad. Well. Actually it's not really in Grebbestad for you who even knows where that's at but never mind. So I wrote an email and asked about the job and they told me to send me my CV and a personal letter, which I did. One week ago I got an email from a girl who works at the camping place where I wanted to work and she said I got it. I am happy! It's going to be a lot of work but it's great to have something to do and to earn some money too. Yey!

34 degrees.

Kategori: England

No joke. It was 34 degrees in the sun today. Crazy. I wore white shorts and a white t-shirt and it felt just like summer. It's unfortunately quite cold now but I don't complain. I'm happy!
Have been vaccuming the house and made a kladdkaka which was so good. Just tried a piece but we're going to eat it as dessert today. That's about it. I was lying in the sun for two hours, so nice. Just got home from picking up Moa and Hugo from school. Going to eat hamburger for dinner. Yummie!


Kategori: England

Going on the exercise bike was so hard today. Did intervals which was so boring and hard. I was 30 seconds better two days ago but it must be because oh the intervals today. I did 10 minutes abs work out too. That was even harder than the cycling. Anyway. Need to sleep. Going to get up early tomorrow because I'm going to walk the dog with Mia. Crossing my fingers for sun. 

Chuck Taylor Washed Canvas.

Kategori: Clothes

Mia bought converse yesterday in Reading. She bought one pair for each person in the family. Blue high-tops, black high-tops (normal ones) grey low-tops and pink low-tops. Converse has started with a new kind of style. It looks like the shoes are already used because they look dirty, but not dirty dirty, I mean like, nice dirty. Hard to explain... Anyway. Her new one's are pink and they're more dark than the usual pink converse colour. The thing with the new style is also that they are really soft, the sole are soft. Very comfortable!
I think this will be really trendy this summer. 
Only time will tell.

Guess what?

Kategori: Generally

I should've taken the bus home this morning 08:11 but when it never came I decieded to take another bus that also goes to London but it stops quite close to where I live so I thought I could walk from there but I fell asleep and when I woke up, the bus was already in London. Not that I don't like London, but I was just so tired and wnated to go home and rest but nope I had to go shopping instead.. But I never made it to buy the things I just held them in my hands but I was to tired to go and pay for them so I just walked around in the city. Took the bus home around 13:30 and got home an hour later. 
Two pictures from today.

Yesterday outfit.

Kategori: Clothes

Australia jeans/RaRe belt/Primeboots/Belstaff jacket/ Marc by Marc Jacobs bag.


Kategori: England

Celebrated Valborg with some friends in Oxford. We made hamburger and play football in a park. It was nice!
These are the pictures I took last night.